
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Roasted Beet Caviar

Roasted Beet Caviar

If you've always hated beets, you're a lot like me: my mom had to nearly forcefeed me when homegrown beets were on the menu for dinner. Luckily, my husband and children didn't like them either, so beets were a non-issue in our household.

Then Joe and I went to Russian Tea Time restaurant in Chicago.

Among the many wonderful things they served us on the tasting platter, there were two versions of beets: a beet caviar spread, and an interesting beet-apple-pea vinaigrette salad. These were an amazing revelation into the reason why so many Eastern European and Russian peoples love the beet. Maybe this recipe will make a beet-eater out of you, too.

4 fresh beets
2 garlic cloves
2/3 cup walnuts, toasted and finely chopped
2 tablespoons lowfat yogurt, plain
2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
1 tbsp. finely chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley
1/4 tsp. Tabasco sauce
Salt and black pepper to taste

Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees. Remove paper from garlic cloves, place them on a roasting pan, and brush with olive oil. Scrub beets, place on the roasting pan, and roast in oven until fork-tender. The garlic will be tender in approximately 30-45 minutes, the beets in 60-90 minutes. Let cool.

Peel beets; finely chop beets and garlic and place in a bowl. Stir in all other ingredients. Marinate 6 hours in refrigerator, then serve at room temperature or slightly chilled. Spread on crackers or toasted bread, or serve as a side salad/garnish.


  1. MMMMMMM. I LOVE Russian Tea Time! I just made Tashkent Carrot Salad, and I'll have to try this Beet Caviar recipe to go along with it. Thanks for sharing this recipe! I'm off to the store to get some beets!

  2. Let us know what you think when you try it!


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